Extbase Variable Dump
array(25 items)
   settings => array(3 items)
      fallback_link => '' (0 chars)
      showMenu => '1' (1 chars)
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   filter => BN\MTS\Filter\RegionFilterprototypeobject
      wasCountryZonesAlreadyFiltered => privateFALSE
      conn => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPoolprototypeobject
         connections => protectedarray(1 item)
            Default => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Connectionprototypeobject
               _expr => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\Expression\ExpressionBuilderprototypeobject
                  connection => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Connectionprototypeobjectsee above
               prepareConnectionCommands => privatearray(empty)
               _conn => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\LoggingConnectionprototypeobject
                  logger => privateTYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\DoctrineSqlLoggerprototypeobject
                     queries => protectedarray(empty)max depth
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                     start => protecteduninitialized 
                     currentQuery => protected0 (integer)
                     logger => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Loggerprototypeobjectmax depth
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                  middlewares => privatearray(1 item)
                     0 => TYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\DoctrineSqlLoggingMiddlewareprototypeobjectmax depth
                  sqlLogger => protectedNULL
                  resultCache => privateNULL
                  resultCacheImpl => protectedNULL
                  schemaAssetsFilter => protectedClosure
                     function () {
            return true;
                  autoCommit => protectedTRUE
                  disableTypeComments => privateFALSE
                  schemaManagerFactory => privateNULL
               _eventManager => protectedDoctrine\Common\EventManagerprototypeobject
                  listeners => privatearray(3 items)
                     onSchemaColumnDefinition => array(1 item)max depth
                     onSchemaIndexDefinition => array(1 item)max depth
                     onSchemaAlterTable => array(1 item)max depth
               _schemaManager => protectedNULL
               _driver => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\LoggingDriverprototypeobject
                  logger => privateTYPO3\CMS\Adminpanel\Log\DoctrineSqlLoggerprototypeobjectsee above
               logger => protectedNULL
         customDoctrineTypes => protectedarray(2 items)
            enum => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Schema\Types\EnumType' (45 chars)
            set => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Schema\Types\SetType' (44 chars)
         overrideDoctrineTypes => protectedarray(4 items)
            date => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Schema\Types\DateType' (45 chars)
            datetime => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Schema\Types\DateTimeType' (49 chars)
            datetime_immutable => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Schema\Types\DateTimeType' (49 chars)
            time => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Schema\Types\TimeType' (45 chars)
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            pdo_mysql => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Driver\PDOMySql\Driver' (46 chars)
            pdo_sqlite => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Driver\PDOSqlite\Driver' (47 chars)
            pdo_pgsql => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Driver\PDOPgSql\Driver' (46 chars)
      currentController => protected'BN\MTS\Controller\RegionController' (34 chars)
      currentAction => protected'detail' (6 chars)
      parameter => protectedarray(1 item)
         filter => array(1 item)
            uid => '24' (2 chars)
      settings => protectedarray(2 items)
         showMenu => '1' (1 chars)
         spaceBottom => 'medium' (6 chars)
      context => protectedarray(empty)
      merged => protectedarray(3 items)
         showMenu => '1' (1 chars)
         spaceBottom => 'medium' (6 chars)
         filter => array(1 item)
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   data => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (39 items)
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         hidden => 0 (integer)
         sorting => 1655 (integer)
         sys_language_uid => 1 (integer)
         l10n_parent => 24 (integer)
         l10n_source => 24 (integer)
         l10n_state => '{"map":"parent","media":"parent","media_alternative":"parent","places":"pare
' (200 chars) t3_origuid => 24 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"map":"1","l10n_diffsource":"{\"map\":\"\"}","url_path_segment":"brixen","t
            ource":"0","name":"Brixen","title":"Mountainbike Urlaub in Brixen","subtitle
            ":"Mountainbiken & e-Biken","places":"2","holiday_themes":"2","cross_country
            :"12","description_short":"<p>Die Mountainbike-Region von Brixen hat all das
            , was man sich von einer Destination erwartet, die sich dem Mountainbiken ve
            rschrieben hat.<\/p>","x_coordinate":"0","y_coordinate":"0","coordinates":"4
            6.7205721, 11.5677797","meta_title":"Mountainbike Urlaub Brixen \u2714\ufe0f
             Mountainbiken & e-Biken","meta_description":"Die Mountainbike-Region von Br
            ixen hat all das, was man sich von einer Destination erwartet, die sich dem
            Mountainbiken verschrieben hat.","links":"0","tours":"10","media":"6","media
' (1006 chars) name => 'Bressanone' (10 chars) title => 'Mountain bike holiday in Brixen' (31 chars) subtitle => 'Mountain biking &amp; e-biking' (30 chars) map => array(1 item) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(32 items) uid => 4021 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 3799 (integer) l10n_state => NULL l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_parent":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","sorti
' (798 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) uid_local => 3970 (integer) uid_foreign => 53 (integer) tablenames => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) fieldname => 'map' (3 chars) sorting_foreign => 1 (integer) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '{"desktop":{"cropArea":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1,"height":1},"selectedRatio":"N
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' (800 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) uid_local => 3004 (integer) uid_foreign => 53 (integer) tablenames => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) fieldname => 'media' (5 chars) sorting_foreign => 1 (integer) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '{"desktop":{"cropArea":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1,"height":1},"selectedRatio":"N
' (290 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) bn_video_attributes => 'autoplay,loop,muted,playsinline' (31 chars) bn_video_sources => 0 (integer) bn_video_fallback => 0 (integer) bn_video_sources_resolution => '' (0 chars) categories => 0 (integer) showinpreview => 0 (integer) imported => 0 (integer)
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' (123 chars) identifier_hash => 'e2523d23c155b759b17443ac76a0070035e6677e' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'Mountainbike-Urlaub-c-Brixen-Tourismus-Erwin-Haiden-0166-7.jpg' (62 chars) sha1 => 'd14c9d5a060b222abb8d8f77056e4354a0e5ae8d' (40 chars) size => 629684 (integer) creation_date => 1721035900 (integer) modification_date => 1721035900 (integer) folder_hash => 'd0e4ffd3163b61a37d325219124e07896fd4a428' (40 chars)
storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above identifier => protected'/files/Bilder/Mountain_Bike_Holidays/Destinationen/Brixen_IT/Mountainbike-Ur
' (123 chars) name => protected'Mountainbike-Urlaub-c-Brixen-Tourismus-Erwin-Haiden-0166-7.jpg' (62 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE
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1 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(32 items) uid => 4023 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 1739 (integer) l10n_state => NULL l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_parent":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","sorti
' (800 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) uid_local => 3013 (integer) uid_foreign => 53 (integer) tablenames => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) fieldname => 'media' (5 chars) sorting_foreign => 2 (integer) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '{"desktop":{"cropArea":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1,"height":1},"selectedRatio":"N
' (290 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) bn_video_attributes => 'autoplay,loop,muted,playsinline' (31 chars) bn_video_sources => 0 (integer) bn_video_fallback => 0 (integer) bn_video_sources_resolution => '' (0 chars) categories => 0 (integer) showinpreview => 0 (integer) imported => 0 (integer)
originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobject updatedProperties => protectedarray(empty) metaDataAspect => privateNULL properties => protectedarray(15 items) uid => 3013 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) missing => 0 (integer) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => 1 (integer) identifier => '/files/Bilder/Mountain_Bike_Holidays/Destinationen/Brixen_IT/Mountainbike-Ur
' (125 chars) identifier_hash => '9b27090769c61f3dec02891d051a908256956f5c' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'Mountainbike-Urlaub-c-Brixen-Tourismus-Manuel-Kottersteger-4.jpg' (64 chars) sha1 => '0df53183eec57ca1b5c4e9e436ceccc8522e805e' (40 chars) size => 504747 (integer) creation_date => 1721036056 (integer) modification_date => 1721036056 (integer) folder_hash => 'd0e4ffd3163b61a37d325219124e07896fd4a428' (40 chars)
storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above identifier => protected'/files/Bilder/Mountain_Bike_Holidays/Destinationen/Brixen_IT/Mountainbike-Ur
' (125 chars) name => protected'Mountainbike-Urlaub-c-Brixen-Tourismus-Manuel-Kottersteger-4.jpg' (64 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE
mergedProperties => protectedarray(empty)
2 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(32 items) uid => 4024 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 1740 (integer) l10n_state => NULL l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_parent":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","sorti
' (800 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) uid_local => 3012 (integer) uid_foreign => 53 (integer) tablenames => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) fieldname => 'media' (5 chars) sorting_foreign => 3 (integer) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '{"desktop":{"cropArea":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1,"height":1},"selectedRatio":"N
' (290 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) bn_video_attributes => 'autoplay,loop,muted,playsinline' (31 chars) bn_video_sources => 0 (integer) bn_video_fallback => 0 (integer) bn_video_sources_resolution => '' (0 chars) categories => 0 (integer) showinpreview => 0 (integer) imported => 0 (integer)
originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobject updatedProperties => protectedarray(empty) metaDataAspect => privateNULL properties => protectedarray(15 items) uid => 3012 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) missing => 0 (integer) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => 1 (integer) identifier => '/files/Bilder/Mountain_Bike_Holidays/Destinationen/Brixen_IT/Mountainbike-Ur
' (125 chars) identifier_hash => '9b91e3a6cf7e35e63fed8bd86e4f499bf93bf095' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'Mountainbike-Urlaub-c-Brixen-Tourismus-Manuel-Kottersteger-3.jpg' (64 chars) sha1 => '6205eee03a62fd5f6c1aa209e47aae46337d04b6' (40 chars) size => 408722 (integer) creation_date => 1721036035 (integer) modification_date => 1721036035 (integer) folder_hash => 'd0e4ffd3163b61a37d325219124e07896fd4a428' (40 chars)
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' (125 chars) name => protected'Mountainbike-Urlaub-c-Brixen-Tourismus-Manuel-Kottersteger-3.jpg' (64 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE
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3 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(32 items) uid => 4025 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 1741 (integer) l10n_state => NULL l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_parent":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","sorti
' (800 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) uid_local => 2635 (integer) uid_foreign => 53 (integer) tablenames => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) fieldname => 'media' (5 chars) sorting_foreign => 4 (integer) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '{"desktop":{"cropArea":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1,"height":1},"selectedRatio":"N
' (290 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) bn_video_attributes => 'autoplay,loop,muted,playsinline' (31 chars) bn_video_sources => 0 (integer) bn_video_fallback => 0 (integer) bn_video_sources_resolution => '' (0 chars) categories => 0 (integer) showinpreview => 0 (integer) imported => 0 (integer)
originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobject updatedProperties => protectedarray(empty) metaDataAspect => privateNULL properties => protectedarray(15 items) uid => 2635 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) missing => 0 (integer) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => 1 (integer) identifier => '/files/Bilder/Mountain_Bike_Holidays/Destinationen/Brixen_IT/Plose-Single-Tr
' (108 chars) identifier_hash => '332148fda2a1458964eeeaa79bcea6db6ebfc646' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'Plose-Single-Trail-c-Dennis-Stratmann-de-19.jpg' (47 chars) sha1 => '86b286f52b6769ff5916edbdd5b1a795c3ddf74c' (40 chars) size => 501157 (integer) creation_date => 1721111765 (integer) modification_date => 1720773893 (integer) folder_hash => 'd0e4ffd3163b61a37d325219124e07896fd4a428' (40 chars)
storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above identifier => protected'/files/Bilder/Mountain_Bike_Holidays/Destinationen/Brixen_IT/Plose-Single-Tr
' (108 chars) name => protected'Plose-Single-Trail-c-Dennis-Stratmann-de-19.jpg' (47 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE
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4 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(32 items) uid => 4026 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 1742 (integer) l10n_state => NULL l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_parent":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","sorti
' (800 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) uid_local => 3005 (integer) uid_foreign => 53 (integer) tablenames => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) fieldname => 'media' (5 chars) sorting_foreign => 5 (integer) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '{"desktop":{"cropArea":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1,"height":1},"selectedRatio":"N
' (290 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) bn_video_attributes => 'autoplay,loop,muted,playsinline' (31 chars) bn_video_sources => 0 (integer) bn_video_fallback => 0 (integer) bn_video_sources_resolution => '' (0 chars) categories => 0 (integer) showinpreview => 0 (integer) imported => 0 (integer)
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' (126 chars) identifier_hash => '04c97a86c998a5794806e295e428c8e17c66c1b9' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'Mountainbike-Urlaub-c-Brixen-Tourismus-Manuel-Kottersteger-13.jpg' (65 chars) sha1 => '55be83dca3253d3bf8dd2dd5fd55046338c48860' (40 chars) size => 418860 (integer) creation_date => 1721035900 (integer) modification_date => 1721035900 (integer) folder_hash => 'd0e4ffd3163b61a37d325219124e07896fd4a428' (40 chars)
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' (126 chars) name => protected'Mountainbike-Urlaub-c-Brixen-Tourismus-Manuel-Kottersteger-13.jpg' (65 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE
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5 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(32 items) uid => 4027 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 1743 (integer) l10n_state => NULL l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_parent":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","sorti
' (800 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) uid_local => 2638 (integer) uid_foreign => 53 (integer) tablenames => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) fieldname => 'media' (5 chars) sorting_foreign => 6 (integer) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '{"desktop":{"cropArea":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1,"height":1},"selectedRatio":"N
' (290 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) bn_video_attributes => 'autoplay,loop,muted,playsinline' (31 chars) bn_video_sources => 0 (integer) bn_video_fallback => 0 (integer) bn_video_sources_resolution => '' (0 chars) categories => 0 (integer) showinpreview => 0 (integer) imported => 0 (integer)
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' (106 chars) identifier_hash => 'f533f6a6003005c62eca674e0546b42ba5de9169' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'Plose-e-Bike-c-Dennis-Stratmann-de-5-2017.jpg' (45 chars) sha1 => '0ca8a33258db42583565b852fe1e54e9831c7127' (40 chars) size => 944215 (integer) creation_date => 1721111727 (integer) modification_date => 1720773894 (integer) folder_hash => 'd0e4ffd3163b61a37d325219124e07896fd4a428' (40 chars)
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' (106 chars) name => protected'Plose-e-Bike-c-Dennis-Stratmann-de-5-2017.jpg' (45 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE
mergedProperties => protectedarray(empty)
places => array(2 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (19 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(19 items) uid => 39 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1733997544 (integer) crdate => 1730622036 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 818 (integer) sys_language_uid => -1 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"name":"","zip":"","coordinates":"","country_zone":"","sys_language_uid":""
' (89 chars) name => 'Brixen' (6 chars) zip => '39042' (5 chars) region => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectsee above (39 items) country_zone => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (31 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(31 items)max depth internalInstruction => protectedClosuremax depth coordinates => '46.717705, 11.657244' (20 chars) _original_record => array(18 items) uid => 39 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1733997544 (integer) crdate => 1730622036 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 818 (integer) sys_language_uid => -1 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"name":"","zip":"","coordinates":"","country_zone":"","sys_language_uid":""
' (89 chars) name => 'Brixen' (6 chars) zip => '39042' (5 chars) region => 1 (integer) country_zone => 1 (integer) coordinates => '46.717705, 11.657244' (20 chars)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (19 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(19 items) uid => 23 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740057677 (integer) crdate => 1730114284 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 2824 (integer) sys_language_uid => -1 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"name":"","zip":"","coordinates":"","country_zone":"","sys_language_uid":""
' (89 chars) name => 'Natz/Schabs' (11 chars) zip => '39040' (5 chars) region => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectsee above (39 items) country_zone => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectsee above (31 items) coordinates => '46.750573, 11.679417' (20 chars) _original_record => array(18 items) uid => 23 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740057677 (integer) crdate => 1730114284 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 2824 (integer) sys_language_uid => -1 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"name":"","zip":"","coordinates":"","country_zone":"","sys_language_uid":""
' (89 chars) name => 'Natz/Schabs' (11 chars) zip => '39040' (5 chars) region => 1 (integer) country_zone => 1 (integer) coordinates => '46.750573, 11.679417' (20 chars)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
holiday_themes => array(2 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (19 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(19 items) uid => 1 (integer) pid => 346 (integer) tstamp => 1732802303 (integer) crdate => 1732802292 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 40 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 1 (integer) l10n_source => 1 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 1 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"title":"Tour & Trail","description":"","icon":"MBH\/mountainbike.svg","lin
' (299 chars) title => 'Tour & Trail' (12 chars) icon => 'MBH/mountainbike.svg' (20 chars) link => '' (0 chars) description => '' (0 chars) _original_record => array(17 items) uid => 1 (integer) pid => 346 (integer) tstamp => 1729493362 (integer) crdate => 1729175532 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 32 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"title":"","description":"","icon":"","link":"","sys_language_uid":"","hidd
' (83 chars) title => 'Tour & Trail' (12 chars) icon => 'MBH/mountainbike.svg' (20 chars) link => '' (0 chars) description => '' (0 chars)
_LOCALIZED_UID => 4 (integer)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (19 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(19 items) uid => 2 (integer) pid => 346 (integer) tstamp => 1732802318 (integer) crdate => 1732802307 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 44 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 2 (integer) l10n_source => 2 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 2 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"l10n_diffsource":"","t3_origuid":"0","l10n_parent":"0","hidden":"0","sys_l
                     anguage_uid":"0","l10n_source":"0","title":"Enduro & Parks","icon":"MBH\/hel
' (188 chars) title => 'Enduro & Parks' (14 chars) icon => 'MBH/helmet.svg' (14 chars) link => '' (0 chars) description => '' (0 chars) _original_record => array(17 items) uid => 2 (integer) pid => 346 (integer) tstamp => 1729493365 (integer) crdate => 1729493047 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 48 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) title => 'Enduro & Parks' (14 chars) icon => 'MBH/helmet.svg' (14 chars) link => '' (0 chars) description => '' (0 chars) _LOCALIZED_UID => 5 (integer)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
cross_country_title => '' (0 chars) cross_country_subtitle => '' (0 chars) cross_country_region_bergfex => 0 (integer) contact => array(1 item) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (21 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(21 items) uid => 15 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1730627206 (integer) crdate => 1730627206 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 5 (integer) sys_language_uid => -1 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) name => 'Brixen Tourismus' (16 chars) company => '' (0 chars) street => 'Regensburger Allee 9' (20 chars) logo => '' (0 chars) links => array(3 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (19 items) 1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (19 items) 2 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (19 items) place => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectsee above (19 items) coordinates => '46.7148645, 11.6522222' (22 chars) _original_record => array(20 items) uid => 15 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1730627206 (integer) crdate => 1730627206 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 5 (integer) sys_language_uid => -1 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) name => 'Brixen Tourismus' (16 chars) company => '' (0 chars) street => 'Regensburger Allee 9' (20 chars) logo => '' (0 chars) links => 3 (integer) place => 1 (integer) coordinates => '46.7148645, 11.6522222' (22 chars) internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; } regions_children => array(empty) regions_parent => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (empty) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(empty) internalInstruction => protectedNULL additional_content => array(9 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (25 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(25 items) uid => 546 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 1 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 546 (integer) l10n_source => 546 (integer) l10n_state => '{"content_elements":"parent"}' (29 chars) t3_origuid => 546 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","parentid":"24","space_b
                     ibung","title":"NOCKBIKST du schon?","parenttable":"tx_mts_regions","descrip
' (355 chars) anchor_title => 'Description' (11 chars) title => 'Are you already NOCKBIKING?' (27 chars) parentid => 53 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => array(1 item) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (161 items) description => '' (0 chars) space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => '0' (1 chars) static_text => '0' (1 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _original_record => array(23 items) uid => 546 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1730626761 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 1 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 72 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":""}' (13 chars) anchor_title => 'Beschreibung' (12 chars) title => 'NOCKBIKST du schon?' (19 chars) parentid => 24 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => 1 (integer) description => '' (0 chars) space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => '0' (1 chars) static_text => '0' (1 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _LOCALIZED_UID => 2494 (integer)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (25 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(25 items) uid => 547 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 2 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 547 (integer) l10n_source => 547 (integer) l10n_state => '{"content_elements":"parent"}' (29 chars) t3_origuid => 547 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","parentid":"24","space_b
' (326 chars) anchor_title => '' (0 chars) title => '' (0 chars) parentid => 53 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => array(empty) description => NULL space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => 'map' (3 chars) static_text => '0' (1 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _original_record => array(23 items) uid => 547 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1730626761 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 2 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 73 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":""}' (13 chars) anchor_title => '' (0 chars) title => '' (0 chars) parentid => 24 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => 0 (integer) description => NULL space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => 'map' (3 chars) static_text => '0' (1 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _LOCALIZED_UID => 2495 (integer)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
2 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (25 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(25 items) uid => 548 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 3 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 548 (integer) l10n_source => 548 (integer) l10n_state => '{"content_elements":"parent"}' (29 chars) t3_origuid => 548 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"anchor_title":"Highlights","external_link":"","content_type":"0","static_t
' (474 chars) anchor_title => 'Highlights' (10 chars) title => '' (0 chars) parentid => 53 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => array(2 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (161 items) 1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (161 items) description => NULL space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => '0' (1 chars) static_text => '0' (1 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _original_record => array(23 items) uid => 548 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1730626761 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 3 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 74 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"anchor_title":"","external_link":"","content_type":"","static_text":"","co
' (129 chars) anchor_title => 'Highlights' (10 chars) title => '' (0 chars) parentid => 24 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => 2 (integer) description => NULL space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => '0' (1 chars) static_text => '0' (1 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars)
_LOCALIZED_UID => 2496 (integer)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
3 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (25 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(25 items) uid => 549 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 4 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 549 (integer) l10n_source => 549 (integer) l10n_state => '{"content_elements":"parent"}' (29 chars) t3_origuid => 549 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","parentid":"24","space_b
                     title":"Touren & Trails","title":"Touren & Trails","parenttable":"tx_mts_reg
                     ions","description":"<p><strong>Stadt-Land-Flow:<\/strong> Abseits vom Trube
                     l warten auf den <strong>Touren &amp; Trails<\/strong> von Brixen flowige Li
                     nes, viel Airtime und alles, was das Bikerherz begehrt.<\/p>","external_link
' (560 chars) anchor_title => 'Tours & Trails' (14 chars) title => 'Tours & Trails' (14 chars) parentid => 53 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => array(empty) description => '<p><strong>Urban-rural flow:</strong> Away from the hustle and bustle, the <
                     strong>tours and trails</strong> in Brixen offer flowing lines, plenty of ai
                     rtime and everything a biker's heart desires.</p>
' (201 chars) space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => 'tours_and_trails' (16 chars) static_text => '0' (1 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _original_record => array(23 items) uid => 549 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1730626761 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 4 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 75 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":""}' (13 chars) anchor_title => 'Touren & Trails' (15 chars) title => 'Touren & Trails' (15 chars) parentid => 24 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => 0 (integer) description => '<p><strong>Stadt-Land-Flow:</strong> Abseits vom Trubel warten auf den <stro
                        ng>Touren &amp; Trails</strong> von Brixen flowige Lines, viel Airtime und a
                        lles, was das Bikerherz begehrt.</p>
' (188 chars) space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => 'tours_and_trails' (16 chars) static_text => '0' (1 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars)
_LOCALIZED_UID => 2497 (integer)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
4 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (25 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(25 items) uid => 550 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 5 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 550 (integer) l10n_source => 550 (integer) l10n_state => '{"content_elements":"parent"}' (29 chars) t3_origuid => 550 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","parentid":"24","space_b
                     e":"Touren & Trails","parenttable":"tx_mts_regions","description":"<p>Die No
                     ckberge bietet authentische Natur- und abenteuerliche MTB-Erlebnisse der Ext
                     raklasse. Wie etwa Europas l\u00e4ngsten Flow-Trail mit rund 15 km L\u00e4ng
' (507 chars) anchor_title => '' (0 chars) title => 'Tours &amp; Trails' (18 chars) parentid => 53 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => array(3 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (161 items) 1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (161 items) 2 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (161 items) description => '<p>The Nockberge mountains offer authentic nature and adventurous MTB experi
                     ences in a class of their own. Such as Europe's longest flow trail with a le
                     ngth of around 15 kilometres.</p>
' (185 chars) space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => '0' (1 chars) static_text => '0' (1 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _original_record => array(23 items) uid => 550 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1730626761 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 5 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 76 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":""}' (13 chars) anchor_title => '' (0 chars) title => 'Touren & Trails' (15 chars) parentid => 24 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => 3 (integer) description => '<p>Die Nockberge bietet authentische Natur- und abenteuerliche MTB-Erlebniss
                        e der Extraklasse. Wie etwa Europas längsten Flow-Trail mit rund 15 km Länge
' (157 chars) space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => '0' (1 chars) static_text => '0' (1 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars)
_LOCALIZED_UID => 2498 (integer)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
5 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (25 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(25 items) uid => 551 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 6 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 551 (integer) l10n_source => 551 (integer) l10n_state => '{"content_elements":"parent"}' (29 chars) t3_origuid => 551 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","parentid":"24","space_b
' (348 chars) anchor_title => 'Worth reading' (13 chars) title => '' (0 chars) parentid => 53 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => array(1 item) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (161 items) description => NULL space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => '0' (1 chars) static_text => 'worth_reading' (13 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _original_record => array(23 items) uid => 551 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1730626761 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 6 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 77 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":""}' (13 chars) anchor_title => 'Lesenswertes' (12 chars) title => '' (0 chars) parentid => 24 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => 1 (integer) description => NULL space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => '0' (1 chars) static_text => 'worth_reading' (13 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _LOCALIZED_UID => 2499 (integer)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
6 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (25 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(25 items) uid => 552 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 7 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 552 (integer) l10n_source => 552 (integer) l10n_state => '{"content_elements":"parent"}' (29 chars) t3_origuid => 552 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","parentid":"24","space_b
' (339 chars) anchor_title => 'Bike expertise' (14 chars) title => '' (0 chars) parentid => 53 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => array(1 item) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (161 items) description => NULL space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => '0' (1 chars) static_text => '0' (1 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _original_record => array(23 items) uid => 552 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1730626761 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 7 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 214 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":""}' (13 chars) anchor_title => 'Bike-Kompetenz' (14 chars) title => '' (0 chars) parentid => 24 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => 1 (integer) description => NULL space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => '0' (1 chars) static_text => '0' (1 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _LOCALIZED_UID => 2500 (integer)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
7 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (25 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(25 items) uid => 553 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 8 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 553 (integer) l10n_source => 553 (integer) l10n_state => '{"content_elements":"parent"}' (29 chars) t3_origuid => 553 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","parentid":"24","space_b
' (347 chars) anchor_title => 'Hotels' (6 chars) title => '' (0 chars) parentid => 53 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => array(1 item) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (161 items) description => NULL space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => '0' (1 chars) static_text => 'destination_hotels' (18 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _original_record => array(23 items) uid => 553 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1730626761 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 8 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 78 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":""}' (13 chars) anchor_title => 'Hotels' (6 chars) title => '' (0 chars) parentid => 24 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_regions' (14 chars) content_elements => 1 (integer) description => NULL space_bottom => 'small' (5 chars) content_type => '0' (1 chars) static_text => 'destination_hotels' (18 chars) external_link => '' (0 chars) _LOCALIZED_UID => 2501 (integer)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
8 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (25 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(25 items) uid => 554 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1732806452 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 9 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 554 (integer) l10n_source => 554 (integer) l10n_state => '{"content_elements":"parent"}' (29 chars) t3_origuid => 554 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","parentid":"24","space_b
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internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
description_short => '<p>The mountain bike region of Brixen has everything you would expect from a
             destination dedicated to mountain biking.</p>
' (122 chars) x_coordinate => 0 (integer) y_coordinate => 0 (integer) coordinates => '46.7205721, 11.5677797' (22 chars) media_alternative => 0 (integer) url_path_segment => 'bressanone' (10 chars) meta_title => 'Mountain bike holiday Brixen ✔️ Mountain biking & e-biking' (58 chars) meta_description => 'The mountain bike region of Brixen has everything you would expect from a de
            stination dedicated to mountain biking.
' (115 chars) links => 0 (integer) tours => 10 (integer) _original_record => array(37 items) uid => 24 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1740050421 (integer) crdate => 1730626761 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 3246 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 3 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"name":"","title":"","subtitle":"","coordinates":"","description_short":"",
' (404 chars) name => 'Brixen' (6 chars) title => 'Mountainbike Urlaub in Brixen' (29 chars) subtitle => 'Mountainbiken & e-Biken' (23 chars) map => 1 (integer) media => 6 (integer) places => 2 (integer) holiday_themes => 2 (integer) cross_country_title => '' (0 chars) cross_country_subtitle => '' (0 chars) cross_country_region_bergfex => 0 (integer) contact => 1 (integer) regions_children => 0 (integer) regions_parent => 0 (integer) additional_content => 12 (integer) description_short => '<p>Die Mountainbike-Region von Brixen hat all das, was man sich von einer De
               stination erwartet, die sich dem Mountainbiken verschrieben hat.</p>
' (144 chars) x_coordinate => 0 (integer) y_coordinate => 0 (integer) coordinates => '46.7205721, 11.5677797' (22 chars) media_alternative => 0 (integer) url_path_segment => 'brixen' (6 chars) meta_title => 'Mountainbike Urlaub Brixen ✔️ Mountainbiken & e-Biken' (53 chars) meta_description => 'Die Mountainbike-Region von Brixen hat all das, was man sich von einer Desti
               nation erwartet, die sich dem Mountainbiken verschrieben hat.
' (137 chars) links => 0 (integer) tours => 10 (integer)
_LOCALIZED_UID => 53 (integer)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
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       destination dedicated to mountain biking.</p>
' (122 chars) FIELD_PLACES => array(2 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectsee above (19 items) 1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectsee above (19 items) FIELD_LOCATION => array(1 item) 9 => 'Italy / South Tyrol' (19 chars) FIELD_CONTACT => array(1 item) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectsee above (21 items) FIELD_CONTACT_NAME => 'Brixen Tourismus' (16 chars) FIELD_CONTACT_ADDRESS => 'Regensburger Allee 9' (20 chars) FIELD_CONTACT_PLACE => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectsee above (19 items) FIELD_CONTACT_PLACE_ZIP => '39042' (5 chars) FIELD_CONTACT_PLACE_NAME => 'Brixen' (6 chars) FIELD_CONTACT_COUNTRY_ZONE => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectsee above (31 items) FIELD_CONTACT_COUNTRY_ZONE_MAP => array(1 item) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(32 items) uid => 3906 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1734094928 (integer) crdate => 1732801239 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 3556 (integer) l10n_state => NULL l10n_diffsource => '{"hidden":"0","l10n_parent":"0","l10n_diffsource":"{\"hidden\":\"\"}","sorti
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' (803 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) uid_local => 3970 (integer) uid_foreign => 18 (integer) tablenames => 'tx_mts_country_zones' (20 chars) fieldname => 'map' (3 chars) sorting_foreign => 1 (integer) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '{"desktop":{"cropArea":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1,"height":1},"selectedRatio":"N
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            chroffen Klippen des <strong>Mountainbike-Eldorados am Gardasee<\/strong> zu
             den dramatischen Felsformationen der <strong>Dolomiten<\/strong> und den sa
            nften Mittelgebirgs-Almen <strong>S\u00fcdtirols<\/strong> \u2013 als Biker
            bist du in Italien MTB-m\u00e4\u00dfig einfach an der richtigen Adresse.<\/p
            >\r\n<p>Ob flowige Trails am Gardasee, anspruchsvolle Alpen\u00fcberquerunge
            n oder entspannte Touren durch malerische Weinberge \u2013 <strong>Biken in
            Italien<\/strong> bedeutet Abwechslung pur. Und nach einem Tag auf dem Trail
             wartet schon das Dolce Vita \u2013 genau das macht Bikeferien in Italien so
' (1116 chars) name => 'Italy' (5 chars) skip => 0 (integer) subtitle => '' (0 chars) description_short => '<p>From the rugged cliffs of the <strong>mountain bike Eldorado on Lake Gard
            a</strong> to the dramatic rock formations of the <strong>Dolomites</strong>
             and the gentle low mountain pastures of <strong>South Tyrol</strong> - as a
             biker, Italy is simply the right place for you.</p> <p>Whether you're chas
            ing adrenaline on technical downhill tracks or enjoying a relaxed ride throu
            gh scenic vineyards – <strong>mountain biking in Italy</strong> offers endle
            ss variety. And after a long day in the saddle, authentic Italian cuisine an
            d warm hospitality await.</p>
' (561 chars) static_country => array(24 items) uid => 104 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) cn_iso_2 => 'IT' (2 chars) cn_iso_3 => 'ITA' (3 chars) cn_iso_nr => 380 (integer) cn_parent_territory_uid => 10 (integer) cn_parent_tr_iso_nr => 39 (integer) cn_official_name_local => 'Repubblica Italiana' (19 chars) cn_official_name_en => 'Italian Republic' (16 chars) cn_capital => 'Rome' (4 chars) cn_tldomain => 'it' (2 chars) cn_currency_uid => 49 (integer) cn_currency_iso_3 => 'EUR' (3 chars) cn_currency_iso_nr => 978 (integer) cn_phone => 39 (integer) cn_eu_member => 1 (integer) cn_uno_member => 1 (integer) cn_address_format => 7 (integer) cn_zone_flag => 0 (integer) cn_short_local => 'Italia' (6 chars) cn_short_en => 'Italy' (5 chars) cn_country_zones => 110 (integer) cn_short_de => 'Italien' (7 chars) country_zones => array(3 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (31 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(31 items) uid => 8 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1733996353 (integer) crdate => 1732798872 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 448 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 8 (integer) l10n_source => 8 (integer) l10n_state => '{"media":"parent","map":"parent","map_regions":"parent","country":"parent","
' (159 chars) t3_origuid => 8 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"name":"Lombardei","title":"Mountainbike Urlaub in der Lombardei","subtitle
                     ":"Mountainbike Urlaub und e-Biken","coordinates":"45.7715004, 10.7574778","
                     description_short":"<p>Vertr\u00e4umte Uferstra\u00dfen und romantische Sonn
                     enbalkone hoch \u00fcber dem Gardasee: das westliche Ufer des Gardasees gilt
                      unter Mountainbikern als Antithese.<\/p>\r\n<ul><li>Terrazza del Brivido<\/
                     li><li>Passo Tremalzo<\/li><li>Tremalzo Bike Race<\/li><\/ul>","map":"1","ma
' (1154 chars) name => 'Lombardy' (8 chars) title => 'Mountain biking in Lombardy' (27 chars) subtitle => 'Mountain bike holidays and e-biking' (35 chars) description_short => '<p>Dreamy lakeside roads and romantic sunny balconies high above Lake Garda:
                      the western shore of Lake Garda is considered the antithesis of mountain bi
                     king.</p> <ul><li>Terrazza del Brivido</li><li>Passo Tremalzo</li><li>Trema
                     lzo Bike Race</li></ul>
' (251 chars) country => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectsee above (23 items) static_country_zone => array(12 items) uid => 232 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) zn_country_iso_2 => 'IT' (2 chars) zn_country_iso_3 => 'ITA' (3 chars) zn_country_iso_nr => 380 (integer) zn_code => 'BG' (2 chars) zn_name_local => 'Bergamo' (7 chars) zn_name_en => '' (0 chars) zn_country_uid => 104 (integer) zn_country_table => 'static_countries' (16 chars) zn_name_de => '' (0 chars) map => array(1 item) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth map_regions => array(1 item) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth media => array(7 items) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth 1 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth 2 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth 3 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth 4 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth 5 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth 6 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth places => array(2 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (19 items) 1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (19 items) contact => 0 (integer) reference_page_accommodation => 342 (integer) reference_page_destination => 341 (integer) additional_content => array(9 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 2 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 3 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 4 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 5 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 6 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 7 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 8 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) coordinates => '45.7715004, 10.7574778' (22 chars) links => 0 (integer) _original_record => array(29 items) uid => 8 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1733996353 (integer) crdate => 1729764975 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 1024 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 3 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"name":"","title":"","subtitle":"","coordinates":"","description_short":"",
' (311 chars) name => 'Lombardei' (9 chars) title => 'Mountainbike Urlaub in der Lombardei' (36 chars) subtitle => 'Mountainbike Urlaub und e-Biken' (31 chars) description_short => '<p>Verträumte Uferstraßen und romantische Sonnenbalkone hoch über dem Gardas
                        ee: das westliche Ufer des Gardasees gilt unter Mountainbikern als Antithese
                        .</p> <ul><li>Terrazza del Brivido</li><li>Passo Tremalzo</li><li>Tremalzo
                        Bike Race</li></ul>
' (247 chars) country => 1 (integer) static_country_zone => 232 (integer) map => 1 (integer) map_regions => 1 (integer) media => 7 (integer) places => 2 (integer) contact => 0 (integer) reference_page_accommodation => 342 (integer) reference_page_destination => 341 (integer) additional_content => 9 (integer) coordinates => '45.7715004, 10.7574778' (22 chars) links => 0 (integer)
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1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectsee above (31 items) 2 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (31 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(31 items) uid => 10 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1733996412 (integer) crdate => 1732801811 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 511 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 10 (integer) l10n_source => 10 (integer) l10n_state => '{"media":"parent","map":"parent","map_regions":"parent","country":"parent","
' (159 chars) t3_origuid => 10 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"name":"Trentino","title":"Mountainbike Urlaub in Trentino","subtitle":"Mou
                     ntainbike Urlaub und e-Biken","coordinates":"45.87782430000001,10.8908516000
                     00019","description_short":"<p>Beinahe das ganze Jahr \u00fcber erwarten dic
                     h im Trentino optimale Bike Bedingungen. Mountainbike Touren hinauf in die s
                     chroffe Natur oder s\u00fcdliches Flair rund um den See.<\/p>\r\n<ul><li>110
                     0 km Strecken im Dolomiti Lagorai<\/li><li>Bike-Mekka am Gardasee<\/li><li>H
                     ighlight des Gardasees: Monte Baldo<\/li><\/ul>","map":"1","map_regions":"1"
' (1216 chars) name => 'Trentino' (8 chars) title => 'Mountain biking in Trentino' (27 chars) subtitle => 'Mountain bike holidays and e-biking' (35 chars) description_short => '<p>Optimum biking conditions await you in Trentino almost all year round. Mo
                     untain bike tours up into the rugged nature or southern flair around the lak
                     e.</p> <ul><li>1100 km of trails in the Dolomiti Lagorai</li><li>Bike Mecca
                      on Lake Garda</li><li>Highlight of Lake Garda: Monte Baldo</li></ul>
' (297 chars) country => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectsee above (23 items) static_country_zone => array(12 items) uid => 316 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) zn_country_iso_2 => 'IT' (2 chars) zn_country_iso_3 => 'ITA' (3 chars) zn_country_iso_nr => 380 (integer) zn_code => 'TN' (2 chars) zn_name_local => 'Trento' (6 chars) zn_name_en => '' (0 chars) zn_country_uid => 104 (integer) zn_country_table => 'static_countries' (16 chars) zn_name_de => 'Trient' (6 chars) map => array(1 item) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth map_regions => array(1 item) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth media => array(6 items) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth 1 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth 2 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth 3 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth 4 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth 5 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobjectmax depth places => array(2 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (19 items) 1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (19 items) contact => 0 (integer) reference_page_accommodation => 249 (integer) reference_page_destination => 214 (integer) additional_content => array(9 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 2 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 3 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 4 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 5 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 6 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 7 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) 8 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobjectmax depth (25 items) coordinates => '45.87782430000001,10.890851600000019' (36 chars) links => 0 (integer) _original_record => array(29 items) uid => 10 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1733996412 (integer) crdate => 1729772018 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 2112 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 3 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"name":"","title":"","subtitle":"","coordinates":"","description_short":"",
' (311 chars) name => 'Trentino' (8 chars) title => 'Mountainbike Urlaub in Trentino' (31 chars) subtitle => 'Mountainbike Urlaub und e-Biken' (31 chars) description_short => '<p>Beinahe das ganze Jahr über erwarten dich im Trentino optimale Bike Bedin
                        gungen. Mountainbike Touren hinauf in die schroffe Natur oder südliches Flai
                        r rund um den See.</p> <ul><li>1100 km Strecken im Dolomiti Lagorai</li><li
                        >Bike-Mekka am Gardasee</li><li>Highlight des Gardasees: Monte Baldo</li></u
' (306 chars) country => 1 (integer) static_country_zone => 316 (integer) map => 1 (integer) map_regions => 1 (integer) media => 6 (integer) places => 2 (integer) contact => 0 (integer) reference_page_accommodation => 249 (integer) reference_page_destination => 214 (integer) additional_content => 9 (integer) coordinates => '45.87782430000001,10.890851600000019' (36 chars) links => 0 (integer)
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internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
media => array(empty) reference_page_destination => 204 (integer) _original_record => array(21 items) uid => 3 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1742888260 (integer) crdate => 1729171758 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 128 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 1 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '{"name":"","subtitle":"","skip":"","description_short":"","media":"","static
' (155 chars) name => 'Italien' (7 chars) skip => 0 (integer) subtitle => '' (0 chars) description_short => '<p>Von den schroffen Klippen des <strong>Mountainbike-Eldorados am Gardasee<
               /strong> zu den dramatischen Felsformationen der <strong>Dolomiten</strong>
               und den sanften Mittelgebirgs-Almen <strong>Südtirols</strong> – als Biker b
               ist du in Italien MTB-mäßig einfach an der richtigen Adresse.</p> <p>Ob flo
               wige Trails am Gardasee, anspruchsvolle Alpenüberquerungen oder entspannte T
               ouren durch malerische Weinberge – <strong>Biken in Italien</strong> bedeute
               t Abwechslung pur. Und nach einem Tag auf dem Trail wartet schon das Dolce V
               ita – genau das macht Bikeferien in Italien so besonders!</p>
' (593 chars) static_country => 104 (integer) country_zones => 3 (integer) media => 0 (integer) reference_page_destination => 204 (integer)
_LOCALIZED_UID => 5 (integer)
internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; }
FIELD_CONTACT_COUNTRY_NAME => 'Italy' (5 chars) FIELD_CONTACT_LINKS => array(3 items) 0 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (19 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(19 items) uid => 62 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1730627206 (integer) crdate => 1730627206 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 11265 (integer) sys_language_uid => -1 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) parentid => 15 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_contact' (14 chars) name => '+39 0472 27 52 52' (17 chars) link => '+390472275252' (13 chars) type => 'tel' (3 chars) _original_record => array(18 items) uid => 62 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1730627206 (integer) crdate => 1730627206 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 11265 (integer) sys_language_uid => -1 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) parentid => 15 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_contact' (14 chars) name => '+39 0472 27 52 52' (17 chars) link => '+390472275252' (13 chars) type => 'tel' (3 chars) internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; } 1 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (19 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(19 items) uid => 63 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1730627206 (integer) crdate => 1730627206 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 11266 (integer) sys_language_uid => -1 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) parentid => 15 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_contact' (14 chars) name => 'info@brixen.org' (15 chars) link => 'info@brixen.org' (15 chars) type => 'mail' (4 chars) _original_record => array(18 items) uid => 63 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1730627206 (integer) crdate => 1730627206 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 11266 (integer) sys_language_uid => -1 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) parentid => 15 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_contact' (14 chars) name => 'info@brixen.org' (15 chars) link => 'info@brixen.org' (15 chars) type => 'mail' (4 chars) internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; } 2 => BN\MTS\DataRetriever\Model\GenericModelprototypeobject (19 items) internalLangUid => protectedNULL internalUid => protectedNULL internalData => protectedarray(19 items) uid => 64 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1730627206 (integer) crdate => 1730627206 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 11267 (integer) sys_language_uid => -1 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) parentid => 15 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_contact' (14 chars) name => 'www.brixen.org' (14 chars) link => 'https://www.brixen.org/' (23 chars) type => 'website' (7 chars) _original_record => array(18 items) uid => 64 (integer) pid => 345 (integer) tstamp => 1730627206 (integer) crdate => 1730627206 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sorting => 11267 (integer) sys_language_uid => -1 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_source => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) parentid => 15 (integer) parenttable => 'tx_mts_contact' (14 chars) name => 'www.brixen.org' (14 chars) link => 'https://www.brixen.org/' (23 chars) type => 'website' (7 chars) internalInstruction => protectedClosure function () { $record = $this->overlay($record); $record = $this->resolve($record); return $record; } FIELDNAME_LINKS_TYPE => 'type' (4 chars) FIELDNAME_LINKS_LINK => 'link' (4 chars) FIELDNAME_LINKS_NAME => 'name' (4 chars) GtmValue => 'Brixen - en' (11 chars)
Mountain bike holiday Brixen ✔️ Mountain biking & e-biking

Brixen - ideal location and long season

It couldn't be more central! Brixen is located in the geographical centre of South Tyrol and offers a unique mix of mountains, town and valley. Bressanone/Brixen is also blessed with a great climate, allowing for a long bike season from the beginning of April until well into November. It has flowing bends, plenty of airtime and the odd challenge in store for you. With the impressive view of the Dolomites from up here at 2,000 metres included, of course. In addition to the already diverse range of tours on offer, the Brixen Bike Park is also an exemplary response to the wishes of bikers. Simply top!

If you prefer a more leisurely ride, you can cycle along the South Tyrolean cycle path or use some of the well-developed forest trails to get a great view of the mountain panorama. As multifaceted as the region and its bikers may be, everything comes together at international bike events such as the Mountain Bike Testival.

Continue reading


Alpine & varied: Biking in Brixen means biking with a view of the UNESCO World Heritage Dolomites. And from April to November - typical South Tyrol!

  • The Rienzbrücken Tour
  • Tour on the high plateau of Natz
  • Rodenegg Castle Tour

Tours & Trails

Urban-rural flow: Away from the hustle and bustle, the tours and trails in Brixen offer flowing lines, plenty of airtime and everything a biker's heart desires.

MTB tours
MTB tours
Multi-day tours
Tour on the high plateau of Natz
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)

The perfect introductory tour in Natz, offering a variety of trails that…

0:54 hr./hrs.
10.1 km
160 m
150 m
Rienzbrücken Tour
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)

A beautiful mountain bike tour in the Brixen region

2:56 hr./hrs.
26.7 km
850 m
850 m
Brixen Tour
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)

A mountain bike tour in the Brixen region, South Tyrol, including a…

2:43 hr./hrs.
29.8 km
750 m
750 m
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)

Mountain bike tour in the Bressanone/Brixen region in South Tyrol for…

3:46 hr./hrs.
35 km
1300 m
1300 m
Roner Hut Tour
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)

Challenging mountain bike tour in the Brixen region, South Tyrol

4:23 hr./hrs.
36.4 km
1590 m
1590 m
Keschtnweg (Chestnut Trail)
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)

A tour that is particularly popular with locals, with plenty of places to…

2:51 hr./hrs.
28.5 km
680 m
680 m
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)

A very challenging day tour with a long uphill through the Aferer Valley to…

6:15 hr./hrs.
62.7 km
2190 m
2190 m
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)

From the city through vineyards, apple orchards and the rustic…

3:39 hr./hrs.
36.6 km
830 m
830 m
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)

A leisurely ascent to Spinges to conserve your energy for the technically…

2:31 hr./hrs.
25.3 km
620 m
620 m
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)

Great day tour with a long and unspectacular ascent through the narrow and…

2:52 hr./hrs.
28.8 km
1310 m
1320 m
Sky Line and Rock Line
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)
Bressanone / South Tyrol  (IT)

The Sky Line and Rock Line are fast and physically demanding and require…

5 km
884 m
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Worth reading

Fancy more? You can find more detailed information and an even deeper insight into our favourite regions here. You shouldn't miss it!

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Region detail
Toni & Tobias Überbacher
Hotel Jonathan

We try to understand what the mountain biker wants, their fitness level and technical ability, then we choose the right route. As trained bike guides, we accompany almost all of the tours personally and lead the group carefully and responsibly to their destination.

In addition to guided tours and attractive bike packages, you can expect the complete carefree programme with us: Wolfi and myself as experienced bike guides, bike wash, lockable bike depot with workshop, the tour information centre and, of course, detailed maps, tour descriptions and GPS downloads. And of course great insider tips from the pros. Together with my guide Wolfi, we are already looking forward to talking shop with you and riding the great trails of Brixen!

Hotels for your mountain bike holiday

Our bike hotels are your place2be for your MTB holiday. Your hosts know every rock and every root and will guide you to the most beautiful places in the region.

Hotel Jonathan ****
Natz/Schabs / South Tyrol  (IT)
Natz/Schabs / South Tyrol  (IT)

Discover the varied Brixen biking area with father-son team Toni & Tobias.

from € 104.00 per person
Hotel KRONE eat drink stay ****
Brixen / South Tyrol  (IT)
Brixen / South Tyrol  (IT)

City hotel? Bike hotel? Both! Conquer the Eisack Valley & the Plose…

from € 89.00 per person


High-calibre events, bike challenges and festivals: don't miss these event highlights!

Transtirol Biker Rally

The TransTirol BikeRally is the only multi-day bike event without timekeeping. Participants can look forward to an all-round carefree package that includes luggage transport, return transfer, GPS…

Brixen Tourismus
Regensburger Allee 9
39042 Brixen | Italy
Bressanone Bressanone

We'll keep you well informed throughout the bike season: with our newsletter, you'll never miss any more breaking news from the top MTB regions. (Newsletter only in german)