Sattelbauer MTB Tour
Tour recommendation from:
Alpine Gourmet Hotel Montanara ****
Sattelbauer MTB Tour
1:15 hr./hrs.
12.7 km
Start and finish location
Alpine Gourmet Hotel Montanara ****
430 m
430 m
This mountain bike tour offers breathtaking views of the Dachstein massif and the surrounding mountains. The route leads along asphalt and gravel paths. At the end point of the tour, the Sattelbauer mountain inn, you can fortify yourself for the descent with a hearty snack, a cozy coffee or a well-earned treat.
Your tour details on Komoot
Length, altitude, duration and difficulty - find all the key details and important information in the tour description on Komoot.
Sattelbauer MTB Tour
Tour recommendation from:
Alpine Gourmet Hotel Montanara ****