Moosalm - Eben MTB Tour
Tour recommendation from:
Alpine Gourmet Hotel Montanara ****
Moosalm - Eben MTB Tour
1:45 hr./hrs.
23.6 km
Start and finish location
Alpine Gourmet Hotel Montanara ****
320 m
320 m
This easy mountain bike tour is a dream, especially early in the morning when the dew is still glistening on the grass. The route is mainly on a tarmac road up over the Schwemmberg to the Moosalm. On the wide forest road for the last kilometre through the forest to the finish, you may even come across a small family of deer, rounding off the day's experience perfectly.
Your tour details on Komoot
Length, altitude, duration and difficulty - find all the key details and important information in the tour description on Komoot.
Moosalm - Eben MTB Tour
Tour recommendation from:
Alpine Gourmet Hotel Montanara ****