Griessenkar - Mayrdörfl MTB Tour
Tour recommendation from:
Alpine Gourmet Hotel Montanara ****
Griessenkar - Mayrdörfl MTB Tour
2:32 hr./hrs.
24.2 km
Start and finish location
Alpine Gourmet Hotel Montanara ****
890 m
890 m
A challenging mountain bike tour to the Grießenkar in Flachau. Where the skiers whizz down in winter, the bikers go uphill in summer! Several refreshment stops along the way up to the highest point of the tour. A short detour on foot to the summit of the Grießenkar is highly recommended - you will be rewarded with a unique view! The highlight is the approx. 100 m descent from Grießenkar to Moadörfl.
Your tour details on Komoot
Length, altitude, duration and difficulty - find all the key details and important information in the tour description on Komoot.
Griessenkar - Mayrdörfl MTB Tour
Tour recommendation from:
Alpine Gourmet Hotel Montanara ****