Au - Damüls round tour
Tour recommendation from:
Hotel Rössle ****
Au - Damüls round tour
3:47 hr./hrs.
31.8 km
Start and finish location
Hotel Rössle ****
1280 m
1280 m
This tour, which is physically demanding yet technically straighforward, takes you from the depths of the Bregenzerwald to the heights of the Damüls mountains. The variety of the mountain bike tour is immense and after the tough ascent you can enjoy a long break at the Uga Alpe before heading back again.
Tour route: Au - Damüls - Au
Your tour details on Komoot
Length, altitude, duration and difficulty - find all the key details and important information in the tour description on Komoot.
Au - Damüls round tour
Tour recommendation from:
Hotel Rössle ****