Diedamskopf - Neuhornbach
Tour recommendation from:
Alpen Hotel Post ****
Diedamskopf - Neuhornbach
3:39 hr./hrs.
28.5 km
Start and finish location
Alpen Hotel Post ****
1240 m
1240 m
The Diedamskopftour is a true alpine bike adventure. Nearly all the alpine huts along the route serve hikers and bikers delicious alpine products during the summer. A short detour on foot to the highest point of the Diedamskopf is highly recommended - the panoramic view from the summit is unforgettable. The tour is demanding in terms of fitness but easy in terms of riding technique.
Tour route: Au - Schoppernau - Diedamskopf - Schoppernau - Au
Your tour details on Komoot
Length, altitude, duration and difficulty - find all the key details and important information in the tour description on Komoot.
Diedamskopf - Neuhornbach
Tour recommendation from:
Alpen Hotel Post ****