Alpine pastures - Lindlalm
(Austria / Salzburger Land / Saalbach Hinterglemm Leogang Fieberbrunn / Leogang)
Alpine pastures - Lindlalm
Tour recommendation from:
Biohotel Rupertus ****
Alpine pastures - Lindlalm
1:58 hr./hrs.
18.1 km
Start and finish location
Biohotel Rupertus ****
630 m
630 m
If you fancy something hearty or would like to try the famous and infamous Almwuzel from the senior chef "Resi", you should definitely visit the Lindlalm on the Spielberg. The Lindlalm, which is run by Resi and Alois as well as our son Alois, is located approx. 60 minutes' walk from the car park of the Unterberghaus/Schaubergwerk in the Leogang Schwarzleotal valley on the Spielberg.
Your tour details on Komoot
Length, altitude, duration and difficulty - find all the key details and important information in the tour description on Komoot.
Alpine pastures - Lindlalm
Tour recommendation from:
Biohotel Rupertus ****